Best Fitness Trackers Reviews


Keeping fit has never been easier !

Fitness Tracking Devices
Health Fitness Tracker

Get your daily steps, calories and sleep measured.

Discover how modern technologies can make your health more manageable.

With a health fitness tracker, you can track your daily activities and bodily needs, hence improve your health.

Best fitness trackers are made more affordable today, ranging from a simple gadget to a more sophisticated one.  Their functions go beyond counting your steps, tracking your sleeping habits, counting and burning your calories.

Some are able to track what you eat, monitor your heart rate, blood pressure rate and even giving advice as to better your health management.

Although these health fitness trackers might not be perfectly accurate, it is definitely a promised approach towards a better health.

Needless to say, to keep fit is not a one night activity.  It needs consistency throughout, with good living habits.  Hence, this health fitness tracker is a well-meant motivation to getting into shape.

So, if you want to know how well your heart is, whether you have burnt enough calories today or if you have any problem with your sleeping pattern, know that it’s just a click away !

Fitness Trackers Comparison

If you’re still not aware of these health fitness trackers, here’s a run down of what is in the market today.

Up by Jawbone 

Shop at :

Price :  $78.74 – $125.00

Sizes : S (5.5 – 6 in), M (6 – 7 in), L (7 – 8 in)

Features :

  • Smart Coach – intelligent guides on every step to a better, healthier you.

    Jawbone UP24
    Up by Jawbone 
  • Smart Alarm – track hours slept, ensure sufficient quality sleep, give personalized advice on sleeping habits.
  • Built-in Accelerometer – track and count steps, great way to stay active.
  • Idle Alert – provoke exercise thus ensuring active life throughout the day.
  • Calories Burnt – measured according to age, weight, height and activity level.  Helps in maintaining and losing weight.
  • Wireless Syncing – able to access your health data via bluetooth
  • Water Resistant – worry free of rain or sweat from hard workout.
  • Source of Motivation – gives credit when consistent with goals, push  to reach goals
  • Battery Life – last up to 14 days on a single charge.
  • Others – easily track food, drinks, calories, nutrients and many more.


Fitbit One Wireless Activity Plus Sleep Tracker

Shop at :

Price :   $77.99

Sizes :  –  (clip on)

Features :

  • silent wake up alarm (vibrate).

    Fitbit One Wireless Fitness Tracker
  • track quality of sleep.
  • super smart accelerometer pedometer – measures steps, distance travelled, stairs climbed.
  • measures calories burnt – good for those who want to lose weight.
  • flower indicator – shows how active you’ve been the past few hours, flower grows when you are more active.
  • accurate mechanism – you may clip anywhere you like.
  • replaceable silicone sleeve with a belt clip.
  • sync automatically to computer, selected smartphone and tablets via bluetooth.
  • rechargeable battery – last 5 to 7 days.
  • fitbit Dashboard – use as a food diary and diet plan.


Basis Carbon Steel Edition

Shop at :

Price : from $275.00

Features :

  • A complete health tracker – interesting activity tracker in the market.

    Basis Carbon Steel Edition
    Fitness Tracker Watch
  • a smart watch – a watch that knows so much about you.
  • Measures steps taken – detect automatically when you are walking, running, bicycling.
  • measures calories burnt – a useful device for those working out to lose weight.
  • measures sleep – automatically determine when you fall asleep and the time you wake up. no need to set manually, light/deep sleep, tossed and turned.
  • heart rate monitor – takes pulse 24 hours, unique device compared to other trackers.
  • measures perspiration and skin temperature.
  • sync enabled – android and iOS app, web and desk app.
  • great motivation – a good push to your goals.


Best Personal Fitness Tracker

Which fitness tracker should you choose ?

The best personal fitness tracker would be the one that suits your needs most.  Not forgetting that it should be within your budget. Moreover, you should feel comfortable with it, whether you have to wear it or clip it.

So, start tracking your fitness. Live with awareness.  Monitor your health progress.  Make the necessary adjustments.  Work towards a healthy YOU.  Get your Best Personal Fitness Tracker now !



I would very much like to hear your response.  If you have any views, comments or suggestions to make, you are welcome to pen them anywhere within my website.  Looking forward to your great health!


Your friend in health,




28 thoughts on “Best Fitness Trackers Reviews”

  1. I like the look of this site. It has some interesting information about keeping healthy the natural way instead of using drugs. I’ll have to come back.

    • Thanks for your visit Debbi. It is very important to come back to the natural way as drugs have been proven to be disastrous to human’s health. Good health to you. Take care !

  2. I do my exisise regulary but i have newer thordts about tracking it but i Will defently return to learn more. Real great info thanks

    • Hi Steen !
      You’re a discipline person. It’s great that you’re doing exercise regularly. It would definitely be awesome if you can actually track it. At least you would know your health direction. Health fitness tracker would be very handy indeed. Thanks for stopping-by Steen. :))

  3. Thanks for sharing I have been trying to decide which fitness tracker would be a good fit for me. This article helps quite a bit and glad that I found you. Thanks for pricing and comparing each one.

    • I’m a fitness craze, Angela. Anything concerning health, I get very excited. I feel just excited to share around.
      Thanks for your visit. :))

  4. Norleila, excellent site. Very informative and well presented.
    I love the graphics and use of linking to proper places.
    The content is great. I am going to look into some of these.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Ken Pringle

    • My pleasure Ken. If you’re health conscious, fitness tracker is a big help. It is motivating and also a step to better health.
      Thanks for your visit. :))

    • Very true, Doug. With fitness tracker, at least it creates awareness of our health direction.
      Thanks for your insights. 🙂

  5. Hi Norleila,

    Your site is coming along great, love all the products you have for health and fitness. Very informative and some great tips.

    Keep up the great work.


    • Thanks Kim.
      Will do more research on health and fitness as these are matters close to my heart.
      Hope to continue sharing the information here. Appreciate your visit. 🙂

  6. It’s amazing how we can stay fit with gadgets. I like the fact that there is a product out there that can monitor my sleep. Of course the calories counting is important for me too, but my sleep habits lately have not been so good. To actually have something that can monitor my sleep would be helpful to me. Thanks!

    • Hi Evelyn !
      Very true, its amazing! With many unwarranted illnesses popping up, it is only wise to monitor our health closely. Moreover, in this IT era, keeping fit has never been easier. However, many actually are not aware of these. Therefore, it is my dream to see more people transforming to responsible healthy individuals. Will do more research to bring health awareness to all.
      Thank you for your visit and insights. 🙂

  7. Hi,
    Just came across your site and had no idea about fitness trackers.
    These look great and I am amazed at all they can do.

    Thank you for providing the great reviews on them, it saves me a lot of time searching for information, which can end up being very confusing.

    Very glad I found your site!

    • Hi Ben!
      Glad to be an eye-opener. These fitness trackers are very motivating. Knowing what’s happening to your body is sure a plus factor.
      Thanks for visiting Ben. 🙂

  8. Hello Norleila.First of all I would like to offer you congratulations on such a beautiful site.My,you have been a very busy lady and it truly shows.I was amazed at how many pages you have compiled and that is just one aspect of your site.I will be checking the section out on mental health and the spiritual side,I also love the purple and the pink together.Very well done to you my friend.Mark……….

    • Hi Mark!
      Thank you for your observations and comments. I always find excitement in health. I would be very happy to help more people understand the importance of health. I’m doing my best to share the knowledge. Appreciate your presence here, Mark. 🙂

  9. Hey, Norleila!

    Great review! I have been so busy lately, and in my own little world, that I didn’t even know these gadgets existed! I’m going to have to buy one from you later, when I get a little extra cash! (For now, don’t hold your breath, waiting for that to happen! LOL!)

    Great site, by the way! Very interesting! I love natural helps! I’ve been sold on nature’s cures ever since a friend of mine showed us the power of herbs (years ago)! Our daughter fell and scraped her hand on newly poured concrete. She had a streak running up her arm and I was ready to rush her to the hospital for a Tetanus shot! He showed us how the herb Golden Seal could be used as a poultice.

    I was nervous and skeptical at first (of course) but it worked! I was amazed! The Creator has truly built us a wonderful world!

    Have a great day, Norleila, and God bless!

    • Hi Donnie !
      Glad that the herbs worked for your daughter. She’s lucky, you take the chance! We always want to see to believe. Very weak faith we have. Well, we need to increase our knowledge to have better faith in nature. Nature has so much to offer. Thus I hope to share more information on natural therapy within my website.
      Thanks for your visit and sharing ! 🙂

  10. Hi Norleila,
    You have a lot of great information here. I’ve thought about being more proactive and tracking my progress, but seem to never get around to it. But I agree that staying away from prescription drugs is the way to go. They are not healthy.

    I will come back and check your site out more.


    • Hi Judy !
      We should be proactive with our health progress. It’s never late to get started. I would be very much happy to share the little knowledge that I have with you.
      Thanks for your visit. Keep healthy ! :))

  11. What a great blog on fitness trackers. You site is in good shape. I think it is very pleasant. Wishing you much success in your future.

    • Thanks Donna for your kind words. I’m very happy to be able to share some info with you. Hope it helps. Take care ! 🙂

  12. Hi Norleila,
    I really like and enjoy your site!
    I really enjoy the information and your presentation of that information!
    I like the feel of your site and I will enjoy visiting again! 🙂
    Blessings, Christa 🙂

    • Hi Christa !
      Glad that you had a good experience with my site.
      I will do more research to add to my knowledge and share them here.
      Thanks for your visit. Take care and stay well ! 🙂


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